The 10 most important currencies in the world

Nº1: US dollar

It is the most traded currency in the world, imposed as a currency of international transactions after World War II, by the Bretton Woods treaty in 1944, since then this currency has become the main reserve of many emerging economies and third countries world.

The 10 most important currencies in the world
The 10 most important currencies in the world

Nº2: Euro

Despite its youth - it is a currency of current use since January 1, 2002 -, it is the second most used currency in the world for its turnover, after the US dollar. Many countries began to use the euro as a reference and trade currency replacing the dollar, the case of several African and Asian countries.

Nº3: Japanese Yen

He was born in 1874 and has a special popularity in Asia, especially in underdeveloped economies such as North Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. In addition to being one of the preferred when taking refuge in times of uncertainty, because this currency tends to rise against other currencies due to the strict control of the Japanese authorities in economic matters. Only 10 years ago 10,000 yen amounted to US $ 80, and today 10,000 yen equals US $ 129.

Nº4: Pound Sterling

The United Kingdom has the privilege of having the oldest currency in the world still in circulation: the pound sterling (£), since its origins date back to the twelfth century. After the post-war, its value declined considerably on several occasions, it was not until the 1990s that it recovered a stable exchange rate against the US dollar.
Nº5: Swiss franc

It has an important history in European transactions. Already in World War I, it served as a currency for both sides, also during World War II and the Cold War. The exchange rate has only strengthened since then, in 1944, a US dollar amounted to 5 francs and today the rate reaches 1fr. = US $ 1.15.

Nº6: Australian dollar

It is a relatively young currency, born in 1966 to replace the Australian pound, which for 57 years was the official currency of the country and today it is also from some other territories such as the Cocos Islands or the Australian Antarctic Territories.

Nº7: Canadian dollar

The Canadian dollar, like its northern neighbor, has an important marketing market, especially in Central America and the Caribbean, also in Europe to a lesser extent.
It has a value of US $ 1 = 0.92 Canadian dollars.

Nº8: Swedish Krona

The importance of this currency is due to Sweden's role as a world producer of steel and palladium (precious metal), also backed by a stable economy.
The commercialization of this currency is reduced mainly to Europe.

Nº9: Hong Kong dollar

The importance of this currency is due to the role that Hong Kong plays in the international transit of vessels, as well as being the headquarters of important banks, companies and all kinds of entities.

Nº10: Norwegian Krone

As in the Swedish case, the importance of this currency is due to Norway's role as an exporter of oil and metals (mainly steel).