The world's top 10 economies in a single chart

China, United States, Germany and Japan. Those are the countries that stand out the most in the chart called the Voronoi diagram, which illustrates the list of the world's major economies and what it represents on the world scene.

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In recent years, the list of major economies has not changed much. However, it is striking that it is mainly emerging markets that are shaping the world economy.

According to the World Economic Forum, these are some of the most important movements:
- India has now surpassed France in nominal terms with an economy of US $ 2.6 billion, which is approximately 3.3% of the world total. In the most recent quarter, India's GDP growth registered its highest growth rate in two years, around 8.2%.

- Brazil, in spite of its recent economic problems, surpassed Italy in the classification of the GDP to occupy the position number in general.

-Turkey has surpassed the Netherlands to become the 17th largest economy in the world, and Saudi Arabia has surpassed Switzerland to claim the 19th position.